Exhibition Opportunities for Photographers

July 23, 2021

There is an interesting trend with photography galleries and their exhibitions. While this is a tough business, the best galleries exhibit their shows both online and in their 'physical' gallery space. Each month there is an exhibition theme with a well-known juror familiar with that topic. Photographers submit their photos (usually 3) along with a fee to have their work juried for the exhibition. The shows can be viewed on the gallery's website. With Covid lifting, many galleries are starting to have receptions again. Also, a book of the exhibition work (often from Blurb books) is available for purchase.

This is an excellent model for both the galleries and the artists. The galleries are making money from the submission fees, art sales and books. The photographers have the opportunity to exhibit in a variety of established galleries and sell their work. Also this is good exposure for the jurors.

I'm happy to say that I've been accepted into many of these shows. Currently, one of my photos is in a show at the Praxis Gallery in Minneapolis.

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