In Beauty I Dream
This series of photos was taken during the COVID pandemic. And for some reason, I was drawn to photograph in cemeteries. In retrospect, this was a good idea. I didn't have to worry about the health of the 'models' - and they were all very cooperative! Looking back on this project, there might have been an unconscious connection between cemeteries and COVID. However, I didn't think about this at that time. I was most interested in showcasing the beautiful and dramatic statues and architecture with the magic of infrared photography.
This series was created by using an infrared camera. Cameras are designed to have an infrared 'blocking filter' that removes the infrared light coming into the camera's sensor. By removing this filter and replacing it with an infrared 'passing filter,' the camera can record light waves outside the color range we normally see. Infrared images often have a surreal or mystical effect. All of these photos were shot with a digital camera that was converted to 590nm infrared color. Additional editing was done in post-production.
(hit the 'Show All' button at the bottom to load all photos. Click on any image to enlarge)
© John A. Verner - Clear Lotus Photography